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About Us

Welcome To SmartAssessories, your #1 source for finding the best smart ass accessories online, for the lowest prices.
This is my Ass Family.

I'm JackAss.

My Wife, SmartAss
(Honey, this site is dedicated to you. Thank you for the daily inspiration and giving me a place to vent... and make an ass out of myself. )

We're proud of our kids... Lazy Ass, Kiss Ass and Wise Ass.

They definitely given me the motivation every day to be a Jackass.

At SmartAssessories we provide superior service, competitive pricing and hopefully put a smile on your face.

How are we able to charge these prices you ask?

We work directly with the manufacturer, so there is no middle man in the process, and this way we can offer our merchandise at extremely low prices. But make sure you act fast, because the prices and products change on a DAILY BASIS, (we aren't called SmartAsses for nothing).

If there's something sarcastic you're looking for but can't find it, please let us know by filling out our contact form.

We're excited you are here and hope you enjoy our website.

Make sure to friend us on Facebook :

and let's be friends. (At least till I say something to offend you... which will happen)

Enjoy and make sure to sign up for our newsletter. I'll send you free stuff and all kinds of goodies. Welcome to the family. 

So btw... which ass most describes you? ;-)